I made sure that my pre-production was as thorough as possible to ensure the safety of my cast and crew as well as the smooth operating of the shoot. 


I cast from Mandy and also worked with previous collaborators that I have worked with before. I advertised for three roles, noting key physical and personal characteristics. Outfits were then discussed and agreed upon prior to shooting. I enjoyed this part of the process as I've always had an appreciation for Actors and Performers and it was great getting to see the varied talent that applied for the roles and reviewing their self-tapes, as well as providing feedback that was (hopefully) valuable to them, too. 


I created detailed risk assessments for each of my shooting locations, making sure to identify potential risks of the spaces and visiting my locations beforehand for a more well-rounded understanding of the environment and the potential risks that it posed. I found this part of the process interesting as it was also a 'recce', allowing me to further develop my planning for the shoot and what limitations there might be to achieving desired shots or movements. I knew it was important for the safety of my Cast and Crew to have a well-informed risk assessment and a well thought out 'plan of action' before going to work in the spaces. 

There was one part of the risk assessment that was new to me- The assessment of the intimacy risk. Juno being my chosen film, I knew that some of the subject matter could also be of a sensitive nature and made sure to discuss this with my Cast beforehand. I contacted Mimi, the Actress who played Juno and made sure that she was comfortable with this. I also had to shoot a toilet scene that would need Mimi to have her legs exposed. She was happy to wear cycling shorts underneath her jeans so that she was comfortable and did not have to reveal anything that she wasn't happy with. She was also familiar with the film prior to my adaptation, so knew the content that was being dealt with. A key part of the planning was making sure that each aspect of it was conducive to creating a setting where communication was open and concerns could be raised if people needed to do so.


As well as the risks, shooting in three locations called for some planning of cast and crew. I made sure that everybody who wasn't familiar with the area had a Google/Apple maps link to follow and that everybody arrived at around the same time and was aware of the nearest trains and car parking to the Locations. I worked out expenses for my Cast based off of this information too, which was important information to be aware of so that I stayed within my very limited budget.


I made sure to get Artist Contracts signed and returned and made sure that I was available to answer any additional questions or concerns that my Cast and Crew might have had. I also made sure that Scripts were sent out to performers and that my Crew were familiar with their roles. I made sure that I spent some time with Ferg and Sam (Technical support) so that I could offer advice and help with using any equipment if the need arose and my crew needed support. I also began to plan props that I needed and any set design that might be needed ahead of time and set about procuring and creating these during the week of the shoot.


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