Documentary - BBC THREE Marketing material concepts

Tim says an emotional goodbye to Anastasiia and Lisa on the phone.

As the aim of this project was to create a Documentary with the intention of being commissioned by BBC Three, I thought it would be beneficial to create some basic marketing materials to present the idea as a fully realised, completed product.

I created these posters in a minimal way, in keeping with the general style of BBC's promotional materials. The name (As of writing) is currently unconfirmed, but I believe that it encapsulates the story that we're telling.

"Stranded at Home" presents an unusual dichotomy that leans into the story of our contributors and contextualises the idea in a poetic, but digestible manner that doesn't alienate viewers.

Tim looks on as his wife, Susie, tells us about their recent experience.

I'm happy with the final posters, but I am conscious of the image not being entirely telling of the final product. With Anastasiia and Lisa (Our Ukrainian contributors) being in Ukraine, it wasn't possible to get an image of them that was consistent with the style of the film. I felt as though the more powerful stills were those that we took of Tim, so I opted to use them as the best alternative. I also made some variations for different formats, such as an image that could be shared on Instagram. For this, I looked at war photography that would work more effectively with the shape and orientation.

Ukrainian war photography was used in place to show other possible concepts (Source not found)

Another alternative:

A ruined bloc of houses in Ukraine (Source not found)

I think that this material helped me to further cement my vision and legitimise it. Although, of course, we are not commissioned, it was a positive practice for me to engage in and gave me an understanding of the initial steps to gain viewership and how best to tell a story in a single image.


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